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Module Initializers

The module initializer function, init, is special in that it executes only once - when you publish the associated module - and must have the following properties:

  • Function name must be init
  • The parameter list must end with either a &mut TxContext or a &TxContext type
  • No return values
  • Private visibility
  • Optionally, the parameter list starts by accepting the module's one-time witness by value

For example, the following init functions are all valid:

  • fun init(ctx: &TxContext)
  • fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext)
  • fun init(otw: EXAMPLE, ctx: &TxContext)
  • fun init(otw: EXAMPLE, ctx: &mut TxContext)

Every function that fits this criteria will be run when the package is first published, and at no other time, including when the package is upgraded. This means that an init function that was introduced during an upgrade (to a new or existing module) will never run.

The following example demonstrates a valid init function in a module:

module examples::one_timer {
/// The one of a kind - created in the module initializer.
public struct CreatorCapability has key {
id: UID

/// This function is only called once on module publish.
/// Use it to make sure something has happened only once, like
/// here - only module author will own a version of a
/// `CreatorCapability` struct.
fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
transfer::transfer(CreatorCapability {
id: object::new(ctx),
}, tx_context::sender(ctx))