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The iota-telemetry crate is used to collect data from a node, package it into structured events and send it to Google Analytics (GA). It uses the GA4 Measurement Protocol, which allows backends to send custom event data to track node performance and other metrics. Access to the telemetry data is restricted to users with appropriate permissions in the GA account.


The library defines following constants:

  • GA_API_SECRET: The API secret for authenticating with GA.
  • GA_EVENT_NAME: The name of the telemetry event being tracked.
  • GA_MEASUREMENT_ID: The measurement ID for the GA property.
  • GA_URL: The endpoint URL for sending data to GA.
  • HARDCODED_CLIENT_ID: A hardcoded client ID required for the GA4 Measurement Protocol.
  • IPLOOKUP_URL: The URL used to retrieve the node's public IP address.
  • UNKNOWN_STRING: A fallback string used when data retrieval fails.

Data Types

To organize the telemetry data that is to be sent:

  • TelemetryEvent: Represents a single event with a name and a set of parameters.
  • TelemetryPayload: Represents the payload to be sent, containing a client ID and a list of telemetry events.
  • IpResponse: Represents the structure of the IP lookup service response.

Sending the Event

The send_telemetry_event function collects the data from an AuthorityState. It retrieves:

  • The current git revision using env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").
  • The public IP address by calling the get_ip helper function.
    • The get_ip function retrieves the node's public IP address by making a GET request to If the request fails, it returns the UNKNOWN_STRING constant.
  • The chain identifier from the node state.
  • The epoch time.

After retrieving all data, send_telemetry_event constructs a TelemetryEvent and wraps it into a TelemetryPayload type containing the hardcoded client ID. Then, the payload will be sent to GA as an HTTP POST request with content type JSON, which can be visualized and analyzed in the GA dashboard.