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The @iota/iota-sdk/utils package

This package contains some utilities that simplify common operations when working with the IOTA TypeScript SDK.


A set of constants exported for common uses cases:

  • NANOS_PER_IOTA: The conversion rate for NANOS to IOTA (1,000,000,000)
  • IOTA_DECIMALS: the number of decimals you must shift a NANOS value to convert it to IOTA (9)
  • IOTA_ADDRESS_LENGTH: The number of bytes in a IOTA address (32)
  • MOVE_STDLIB_ADDRESS: The address for the IOTA Move standard library
  • IOTA_FRAMEWORK_ADDRESS: The address for the IOTA Framework
  • IOTA_SYSTEM_ADDRESS: The address for the IOTA System module
  • IOTA_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID: The address for the iota::clock::Clock object
  • IOTA_SYSTEM_STATE_OBJECT_ID: The address for the IotaSystemState object


You can use the following helpers to format various values:

  • formatAddress
  • formatDigest
  • normalizeStructTag
  • normalizeIotaAddress
  • normalizeIotaObjectId


You can use the following helpers to validate the format of various values (this only validates that the value is in the correct format, but does not validate the value is valid for a specific use case, or exists on chain).

  • isValidIotaAddress
  • isValidIotaObjectId
  • isValidTransactionDigest


The following methods are re-exported to help with converting between commonly used encodings

  • fromHEX: Serializes a Uint8Array to a hex string
  • toHEX: Deserializes a hex string to a Uint8Array
  • fromB64: Serializes a Uint8Array to a base64 string
  • toB64: Deserializes a base64 string to a Uint8Array