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Module 0x2::bcs

This module implements BCS (de)serialization in Move. Full specification can be found here:

Short summary (for Move-supported types):

  • address - sequence of X bytes
  • bool - byte with 0 or 1
  • u8 - a single u8 byte
  • u64 / u128 / u256 - LE bytes
  • vector - ULEB128 length + LEN elements
  • option - first byte bool: None (0) or Some (1), then value

Usage example:

/// This function reads u8 and u64 value from the input
/// and returns the rest of the bytes.
fun deserialize(bytes: vector<u8>): (u8, u64, vector<u8>) {
use iota::bcs::{Self, BCS};

let prepared: BCS = bcs::new(bytes);
let (u8_value, u64_value) = (

// unpack bcs struct
let leftovers = prepared.into_remainder_bytes();

(u8_value, u64_value, leftovers)

use 0x1::bcs; use 0x1::option; use 0x1::vector; use 0x2::address;

Struct BCS

A helper struct that saves resources on operations. For better vector performance, it stores reversed bytes of the BCS and enables use of vector::pop_back.

struct BCS has copy, drop, store

bytes: vector<u8>


For when ULEB byte is out of range (or not found).

const ELenOutOfRange: u64 = 2;

For when the boolean value different than 0 or 1.

const ENotBool: u64 = 1;

For when bytes length is less than required for deserialization.

const EOutOfRange: u64 = 0;

Function to_bytes

Get BCS serialized bytes for any value. Re-exports stdlib bcs::to_bytes.

public fun to_bytes<T>(value: &T): vector<u8>


public fun to_bytes<T>(value: &T): vector<u8> { bcs::to_bytes(value) }

Function new

Creates a new instance of BCS wrapper that holds inversed bytes for better performance.

public fun new(bytes: vector<u8>): bcs::BCS


public fun new(mut bytes: vector<u8>): BCS { bytes.reverse(); BCS { bytes } }

Function into_remainder_bytes

Unpack the BCS struct returning the leftover bytes. Useful for passing the data further after partial deserialization.

public fun into_remainder_bytes(bcs: bcs::BCS): vector<u8>


public fun into_remainder_bytes(bcs: BCS): vector<u8> { let BCS { mut bytes } = bcs; bytes.reverse(); bytes }

Function peel_address

Read address from the bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_address(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): address


public fun peel_address(bcs: &mut BCS): address { assert!(bcs.bytes.length() >= address::length(), EOutOfRange); let (mut addr_bytes, mut i) = (vector[], 0); while (i < address::length()) { addr_bytes.push_back(bcs.bytes.pop_back()); i = i + 1; }; address::from_bytes(addr_bytes) }

Function peel_bool

Read a bool value from bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_bool(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): bool


public fun peel_bool(bcs: &mut BCS): bool { let value = bcs.peel_u8(); if (value == 0) { false } else if (value == 1) { true } else { abort ENotBool } }

Function peel_u8

Read u8 value from bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_u8(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): u8


public fun peel_u8(bcs: &mut BCS): u8 { assert!(bcs.bytes.length() >= 1, EOutOfRange); bcs.bytes.pop_back() }

Function peel_u64

Read u64 value from bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_u64(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): u64


public fun peel_u64(bcs: &mut BCS): u64 { assert!(bcs.bytes.length() >= 8, EOutOfRange);

let (mut value, mut i) = (0u64, 0u8); while (i < 64) { let byte = bcs.bytes.pop_back() as u64; value = value + (byte << i); i = i + 8; };

value }

Function peel_u128

Read u128 value from bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_u128(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): u128


public fun peel_u128(bcs: &mut BCS): u128 { assert!(bcs.bytes.length() >= 16, EOutOfRange);

let (mut value, mut i) = (0u128, 0u8); while (i < 128) { let byte = bcs.bytes.pop_back() as u128; value = value + (byte << i); i = i + 8; };

value }

Function peel_u256

Read u256 value from bcs-serialized bytes.

public fun peel_u256(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): u256


public fun peel_u256(bcs: &mut BCS): u256 { assert!(bcs.bytes.length() >= 32, EOutOfRange);

let (mut value, mut i) = (0u256, 0u16); while (i < 256) { let byte = bcs.bytes.pop_back() as u256; value = value + (byte << (i as u8)); i = i + 8; };

value }

Function peel_vec_length

Read ULEB bytes expecting a vector length. Result should then be used to perform peel_* operation LEN times.

In BCS vector length is implemented with ULEB128; See more here:

public fun peel_vec_length(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): u64


public fun peel_vec_length(bcs: &mut BCS): u64 { let (mut total, mut shift, mut len) = (0u64, 0, 0); while (true) { assert!(len <= 4, ELenOutOfRange); let byte = bcs.bytes.pop_back() as u64; len = len + 1; total = total | ((byte & 0x7f) << shift); if ((byte & 0x80) == 0) { break }; shift = shift + 7; }; total }

Function peel_vec_address

Peel a vector of address from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_address(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<address>


public fun peel_vec_address(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<address> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_address()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_vec_bool

Peel a vector of address from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_bool(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<bool>


public fun peel_vec_bool(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<bool> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_bool()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_vec_u8

Peel a vector of u8 (eg string) from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_u8(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<u8>


public fun peel_vec_u8(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<u8> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_u8()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_vec_vec_u8

Peel a vector<vector<u8>> (eg vec of string) from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_vec_u8(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<vector<u8>>


public fun peel_vec_vec_u8(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<vector<u8>> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_vec_u8()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_vec_u64

Peel a vector of u64 from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_u64(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<u64>


public fun peel_vec_u64(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<u64> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_u64()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_vec_u128

Peel a vector of u128 from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_vec_u128(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): vector<u128>


public fun peel_vec_u128(bcs: &mut BCS): vector<u128> { let (len, mut i, mut res) = (bcs.peel_vec_length(), 0, vector[]); while (i < len) { res.push_back(bcs.peel_u128()); i = i + 1; }; res }

Function peel_option_address

Peel Option<address> from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_option_address(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): option::Option<address>


public fun peel_option_address(bcs: &mut BCS): Option<address> { if (bcs.peel_bool()) { option::some(bcs.peel_address()) } else { option::none() } }

Function peel_option_bool

Peel Option<bool> from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_option_bool(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): option::Option<bool>


public fun peel_option_bool(bcs: &mut BCS): Option<bool> { if (bcs.peel_bool()) { option::some(bcs.peel_bool()) } else { option::none() } }

Function peel_option_u8

Peel Option<u8> from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_option_u8(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): option::Option<u8>


public fun peel_option_u8(bcs: &mut BCS): Option<u8> { if (bcs.peel_bool()) { option::some(bcs.peel_u8()) } else { option::none() } }

Function peel_option_u64

Peel Option<u64> from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_option_u64(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): option::Option<u64>


public fun peel_option_u64(bcs: &mut BCS): Option<u64> { if (bcs.peel_bool()) { option::some(bcs.peel_u64()) } else { option::none() } }

Function peel_option_u128

Peel Option<u128> from serialized bytes.

public fun peel_option_u128(bcs: &mut bcs::BCS): option::Option<u128>


public fun peel_option_u128(bcs: &mut BCS): Option<u128> { if (bcs.peel_bool()) { option::some(bcs.peel_u128()) } else { option::none() } }