Module 0x2::vec_map
- Struct
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
use 0x1::option;
use 0x1::vector;
Struct VecMap
A map data structure backed by a vector. The map is guaranteed not to contain duplicate keys, but entries are not sorted by key--entries are included in insertion order. All operations are O(N) in the size of the map--the intention of this data structure is only to provide the convenience of programming against a map API. Large maps should use handwritten parent/child relationships instead. Maps that need sorted iteration rather than insertion order iteration should also be handwritten.
struct VecMap<K: copy, V> has copy, drop, store
contents: vector<vec_map::Entry<K, V>>
Struct Entry
An entry in the map
struct Entry<K: copy, V> has copy, drop, store
key: K
value: V
This key already exists in the map
const EKeyAlreadyExists: u64 = 0;
This key does not exist in the map
const EKeyDoesNotExist: u64 = 1;
Trying to access an element of the map at an invalid index
const EIndexOutOfBounds: u64 = 3;
Trying to pop from a map that is empty
const EMapEmpty: u64 = 4;
Trying to destroy a map that is not empty
const EMapNotEmpty: u64 = 2;
Function empty
Create an empty VecMap
public fun empty<K: copy, V>(): vec_map::VecMap<K, V>
Function insert
Insert the entry key
|-> value
into self
Aborts if key
is already bound in self
public fun insert<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: K, value: V)
public fun insert<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K,V>, key: K, value: V) {
assert!(!self.contains(&key), EKeyAlreadyExists);
self.contents.push_back(Entry { key, value })
Function remove
Remove the entry key
|-> value
from self. Aborts if key
is not bound in self
public fun remove<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): (K, V)
Function pop
Pop the most recently inserted entry from the map. Aborts if the map is empty.
public fun pop<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): (K, V)
Function get_mut
Get a mutable reference to the value bound to key
in self
Aborts if key
is not bound in self
public fun get_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): &mut V
Function get
Get a reference to the value bound to key
in self
Aborts if key
is not bound in self
public fun get<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): &V
Function try_get
Safely try borrow a value bound to key
in self
Return Some(V) if the value exists, None otherwise.
Only works for a "copyable" value as references cannot be stored in vector
public fun try_get<K: copy, V: copy>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): option::Option<V>
public fun try_get<K: copy, V: copy>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): Option<V> {
if (self.contains(key)) {
option::some(*get(self, key))
} else {
Function contains
Return true if self
contains an entry for key
, false otherwise
public fun contains<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): bool
public fun contains<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): bool {
get_idx_opt(self, key).is_some()
Function size
Return the number of entries in self
public fun size<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): u64
Function is_empty
Return true if self
has 0 elements, false otherwise
public fun is_empty<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): bool
Function destroy_empty
Destroy an empty map. Aborts if self
is not empty
public fun destroy_empty<K: copy, V>(self: vec_map::VecMap<K, V>)
public fun destroy_empty<K: copy, V>(self: VecMap<K, V>) {
let VecMap { contents } = self;
assert!(contents.is_empty(), EMapNotEmpty);
Function into_keys_values
Unpack self
into vectors of its keys and values.
The output keys and values are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.
public fun into_keys_values<K: copy, V>(self: vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): (vector<K>, vector<V>)
public fun into_keys_values<K: copy, V>(self: VecMap<K, V>): (vector<K>, vector<V>) {
let VecMap { mut contents } = self;
// reverse the vector so the output keys and values will appear in insertion order
let mut i = 0;
let n = contents.length();
let mut keys = vector[];
let mut values = vector[];
while (i < n) {
let Entry { key, value } = contents.pop_back();
i = i + 1;
(keys, values)
Function keys
Returns a list of keys in the map. Do not assume any particular ordering.
public fun keys<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): vector<K>
Function get_idx_opt
Find the index of key
in self
. Return None
if key
is not in self
Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.
public fun get_idx_opt<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): option::Option<u64>
public fun get_idx_opt<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): Option<u64> {
let mut i = 0;
let n = size(self);
while (i < n) {
if (&self.contents[i].key == key) {
return option::some(i)
i = i + 1;
Function get_idx
Find the index of key
in self
. Aborts if key
is not in self
Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.
public fun get_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): u64
public fun get_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): u64 {
let idx_opt = self.get_idx_opt(key);
assert!(idx_opt.is_some(), EKeyDoesNotExist);
Function get_entry_by_idx
Return a reference to the idx
th entry of self
. This gives direct access into the backing array of the map--use with caution.
Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.
Aborts if idx
is greater than or equal to size(self)
public fun get_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &V)
public fun get_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &V) {
assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
let entry = &self.contents[idx];
(&entry.key, &entry.value)
Function get_entry_by_idx_mut
Return a mutable reference to the idx
th entry of self
. This gives direct access into the backing array of the map--use with caution.
Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.
Aborts if idx
is greater than or equal to size(self)
public fun get_entry_by_idx_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &mut V)
public fun get_entry_by_idx_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &mut V) {
assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
let entry = &mut self.contents[idx];
(&entry.key, &mut entry.value)
Function remove_entry_by_idx
Remove the entry at index idx
from self.
Aborts if idx
is greater than or equal to size(self)
public fun remove_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (K, V)
public fun remove_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (K, V) {
assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
let Entry { key, value } = self.contents.remove(idx);
(key, value)