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Module 0x2::vec_set

use 0x1::option; use 0x1::vector;

Struct VecSet

A set data structure backed by a vector. The set is guaranteed not to contain duplicate keys. All operations are O(N) in the size of the set

  • the intention of this data structure is only to provide the convenience of programming against a set API. Sets that need sorted iteration rather than insertion order iteration should be handwritten.

struct VecSet<K: copy, drop> has copy, drop, store

contents: vector<K>


This key already exists in the map

const EKeyAlreadyExists: u64 = 0;

This key does not exist in the map

const EKeyDoesNotExist: u64 = 1;

Function empty

Create an empty VecSet

public fun empty<K: copy, drop>(): vec_set::VecSet<K>


public fun empty<K: copy + drop>(): VecSet<K> { VecSet { contents: vector[] } }

Function singleton

Create a singleton VecSet that only contains one element.

public fun singleton<K: copy, drop>(key: K): vec_set::VecSet<K>


public fun singleton<K: copy + drop>(key: K): VecSet<K> { VecSet { contents: vector[key] } }

Function insert

Insert a key into self. Aborts if key is already present in self.

public fun insert<K: copy, drop>(self: &mut vec_set::VecSet<K>, key: K)


public fun insert<K: copy + drop>(self: &mut VecSet<K>, key: K) { assert!(!self.contains(&key), EKeyAlreadyExists); self.contents.push_back(key) }

Function remove

Remove the entry key from self. Aborts if key is not present in self.

public fun remove<K: copy, drop>(self: &mut vec_set::VecSet<K>, key: &K)


public fun remove<K: copy + drop>(self: &mut VecSet<K>, key: &K) { let idx = get_idx(self, key); self.contents.remove(idx); }

Function contains

Return true if self contains an entry for key, false otherwise

public fun contains<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>, key: &K): bool


public fun contains<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>, key: &K): bool { get_idx_opt(self, key).is_some() }

Function size

Return the number of entries in self

public fun size<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>): u64


public fun size<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>): u64 { self.contents.length() }

Function is_empty

Return true if self has 0 elements, false otherwise

public fun is_empty<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>): bool


public fun is_empty<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>): bool { size(self) == 0 }

Function into_keys

Unpack self into vectors of keys. The output keys are stored in insertion order, not sorted.

public fun into_keys<K: copy, drop>(self: vec_set::VecSet<K>): vector<K>


public fun into_keys<K: copy + drop>(self: VecSet<K>): vector<K> { let VecSet { contents } = self; contents }

Function keys

Borrow the contents of the VecSet to access content by index without unpacking. The contents are stored in insertion order, not sorted.

public fun keys<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>): &vector<K>


public fun keys<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>): &vector<K> { &self.contents }

Function get_idx_opt

Find the index of key in self. Return None if key is not in self. Note that keys are stored in insertion order, not sorted.

fun get_idx_opt<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>, key: &K): option::Option<u64>


fun get_idx_opt<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>, key: &K): Option<u64> { let mut i = 0; let n = size(self); while (i < n) { if (&self.contents[i] == key) { return option::some(i) }; i = i + 1; }; option::none() }

Function get_idx

Find the index of key in self. Aborts if key is not in self. Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted.

fun get_idx<K: copy, drop>(self: &vec_set::VecSet<K>, key: &K): u64


fun get_idx<K: copy + drop>(self: &VecSet<K>, key: &K): u64 { let idx_opt = get_idx_opt(self, key); assert!(idx_opt.is_some(), EKeyDoesNotExist); idx_opt.destroy_some() }